How to make Perfect Iced Coffee with free coffee

Free coffee is the best to use with this coffee recipe.

This won't work unless you can put ice cubes in your
blender without breaking it. You might want to test it
first. I'll wait … Did it break?

No? Good. Then let's proceed

First get some good coffee. Hopefully from us.

Brew up a pot and let it cool some because you're
going to make ice cubes with it and you don't want to
melt your ice cube tray.

Make coffee ice cubes.

Now it's time to not break your blender. Put in 6 to 8
coffee cubes per serving into the blender.

Add a 2 to 3 ounces per serving of cream, half & half,
milk, nonfat milk, pre-mixed non-dairy creamer, soy or
rice milk, or whatever milk-like substance you prefer
into the blender…ice cream always comes to my mind.

(Real Important) Put The Top on the Blender before you
turn it on.

Turn on the blender. (Noisy isn't it?)

Blend until the mixture is almost milkshake-like.

(Real Important) Turn off the blender before you take
the top off to taste.

Add whatever sugar-like substance you use to taste.

Blend a bit to more make sure the sweetener is

Taste it again. Good isn't it?

If your blender breaks and you really like this type
of iced coffee you might want to buy an ice crusher
… and another blender. Cheap blenders
tolerate pre-crushed coffee cubes mo' better.

Do not make this drink at night because blender noise
wakes up all the dogs within a two block radius.

Adding alcohol to this iced drink during the blending
stage makes a fine refreshing summer drink that turns
mowing the lawn into a challenging and possibly lethal
task…but it's great tasting coffee.


the gourmet coffee snob sez
Always Drink Better Coffee
SpotaJava Coffee

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