Caffeine and Cellulite

Looking At Starbucks In A New Light

Although all women and will have to make amends with the arrival of cellulite; it does tend to be more prevalent in plus size and older women. Rather, it is most noticeable. Perhaps you are still curious about the role of caffeine? Cellulite seems to be much like stretch marks in the sense that, once you have them you always have them. Even more expensive and drastic ideas like liposuction cannot offer complete results. And so caffeine has long since entered the picture.....

......If caffeine were so helpful, why is it not doing anything currently? Is the caffeine in most peoples’ diets not enough? Or is it not the correct amounts? It could also have to do with different body chemistries; a caffeine based cellulite product may yield results for one customer, but nothing for another. Each woman has a different physical make up, and can react to a product differently from someone else.....
.....Can the same thing that makes you jumpy after too many cups of coffee be the answer to your cellulite woes? Studies and experiments are still being performed. But caffeine and cellulite are getting a lot of joint billing with the emerging of each new cream on the market. Caffeine temporarily constricts blood vessels, making the skin appear tighter. Revel in it baby; because soon the spell will be broken and you will be back in the garden with a bunch of bewildered mice and a pumpkin.

Source: Caffeine and Cellulite
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